From a young age, I have always loved foreign languages. I took my first Spanish class at age six, and it remained my favorite subject throughout my school years. I went on to major in Spanish at the University of Virginia, and in my second year, in the Spring of 2014, I studied abroad in Valencia, Spain. Taking advantage of my time abroad, I visited Portugal and was fascinated by how seemingly similar but also how different the Portuguese language was. Upon returning to Virginia, I decided to study Portuguese as well. In the summer of 2015, I returned to Spain to conduct linguistic research in Asturias, and afterwards to Lisbon to take a Portuguese summer class.

After researching and writing a Distinguished Major's Thesis on Spanish historical linguistics, I graduated from UVA in 2016 with Highest Honors. Having become enamored of learning about foreign cultures and languages, I spent a year and a half after graduation teaching English in Córdoba, Argentina. The year after that, I went to Vitória in Espírito Santo, Brazil, continuing to teach English, both in person and online. Apart from teaching, I also went camping, hiking, and learned to rock climb and dance forró.

In the fall of 2019, I began a master's program in linguistics at the University of Lisbon, where I continued immersed in both Brazilian and Portuguese culture. As of 2022, I received my Master in Linguistics and am now living as a digital nomad.

Picture of Blake